Sunday, March 30, 2014

My play

Here is the script for my play

1 comment:

  1. Your play was good but when I start reading it I was all-ready confused. Your missing stage directions. I was oblivious to whats really happening because I didn't get a brief description of the stage directions. I also was more confused when characters started popping up. I don't know anything about these characters. Your also missing a list of characters with a brief description describing them. Thats all your missing. I was surprised; when I saw you wrote each characters physical action afters every conversation. This made me understand that she was at her desk and when someone opens the car door. This was the only thing that helped me create a slight imagry of your play. Stage directions is the setting and what objects is on the desk she is sitting at. Things like that I needed to know to create a full imagery of your play. I hope you understand my feedback on your play and I hope it help improve your play further. :-)
